EchoTheme - A Minimalist Style Theme for Typecho

Publish: 2018-01-29 | Modify: 2018-01-29

Typecho is a lightweight open source blog program. For a long time, has been using the default theme of Typecho. Today, I finally wrote a simple style theme called EchoTheme.


Development Related

  • Front-end uses LayUI
  • highlight.js for code highlighting


  • Minimalist style
  • Responsive layout, automatically adapts to the screen
  • No need to install additional plugins, comes with code highlighting

Theme Installation

Unzip the theme and put it in the /usr/themes/ directory. Then go to the Typecho backend - Appearance - find EchoTheme and enable it.


EchoTheme is currently in the testing phase, and the code is put together. If there are any problems, please leave a comment for feedback. New features will be added gradually in the future. There may also be an EchoTheme WordPress theme.
