Installing CurlFtpFS to Mount FTP on Linux

Publish: 2017-11-26 | Modify: 2017-11-28


The previous article shared the experience of using Namecheap shared virtual hosting. I was wondering what to do with it, and found that Namecheap's 20GB SSD capacity is quite large. It can be used to backup data by mounting FTP to VPS using CurlFtpFS.


Installing CurlFtpFS

CentOS does not include CurlFtpFS in its built-in repository. You can install the epel repository first, and then install CurlFtpFS by executing the following command:

# Install epel
yum -y install epel-release
# Install CurlFtpFS on CentOS
yum -y install curlftpfs
# If you are using Debian or Ubuntu
apt-get -y install curlftpfs

Mounting FTP

# Create directory
mkdir /mnt/ftp
# Mount
curlftpfs /mnt/ftp/ -o user=username:password
  • is the FTP address
  • /mnt/ftp/ is the local directory
  • username is the FTP username
  • password is the FTP password

Enter df -h to check if the mount is successful. It's that simple. See the screenshot below.


Further Reading

Some content referenced from: CurlFtpFS (Simplified Chinese)
