EagleGet: Free Multi-threaded Download Tool

Publish: 2016-08-12 | Modify: 2016-08-12

EagleGet is a download manager for Windows systems, and it is free software. Similar to IDM, it supports multi-threading. If you don't want to purchase IDM license or use a cracked version, then EagleGet is a very good choice, and it also supports a friendly Chinese interface.


Tips for Using

When creating a new download task, you can choose the number of threads, with a maximum support of 32 threads. Some users may not have a concept of this. Let's take an example: most browsers download with a single thread. If the browser's single-thread download speed is 10K/S, then using a tool with 32 threads will increase the speed to 320K/S. Conversely, the higher the number of threads, the more computer resources it occupies. You can adjust the number of threads according to your own computer configuration to avoid instability.


Speed Test

Below, we will download a file of about 80M using different tools. In Figure 1, Firefox downloads with a single thread, and the speed is stable at around 90K/S. In Figure 2, EagleGet downloads with 32 threads, and the bandwidth is fully utilized.


Figure 1: Firefox single-thread download


Figure 2: EagleGet 32-thread download

Download Links: Official Website: www.eagleget.com Official Download: EagleGet Software Library Download: EagleGet_v2.0.4.12.exe
