Why should I transfer my domain from Name.com?

Publish: 2016-05-29 | Modify: 2017-06-21

Name.com is a foreign domain registrar, abbreviated as Name. It has been recommended in many blogs, including Xiao Z's blog: Recommended Foreign Domain Registrars with Free WHOIS Protection, but it has now been removed from the recommended list for the following reasons.

One, I have to complain about the ticket system.

Name provides contact information for phone and tickets. Due to my poor English, I naturally choose the ticket system when there is a problem. The annoying thing is that when submitting a ticket, it redirects to Name's subdomain, and you can submit a ticket without logging in. Yes, you heard it right. When you come back, you don't know where the ticket went. You can only check the reply through email or register a new account for the ticket system, which is very user-unfriendly.


Two, ticket efficiency.

Name does not work on weekends after submitting a ticket. Even during the weekdays, their customer service is not very responsive. I waited for two days without any response. Even if someone replies after one or two days of waiting, if you continue to reply, sorry, you have to wait another two days. The customer service is too busy.


During normal working hours, I waited for 2 days before someone finally replied.


A personal experience from a free blogger on Hao123.


Comment from a V friend.

Three, domain transfer.

If there are no problems, it's fine. But once there is a problem, it is almost impossible to find someone. I have transferred my domain from Name to Namesilo. From now on, I have turned from a fan to a critic. Goodbye, Name.com. If your domain or product is still with Name.com, you can try contacting their customer service to experience their efficiency.

