WordPress 4.2.2 Update Fixes Several Vulnerabilities

Publish: 2015-05-07 | Modify: 2015-05-07

Recently, WordPress has been plagued by vulnerabilities. In a previous article, "WordPress Exposes Stored XSS Vulnerability, Affecting Versions 4.2 and Below", the official release of the latest version, WordPress 4.2.2, was announced this afternoon. This is a security update that primarily fixes this cross-site vulnerability. It is recommended that everyone upgrade to version 4.2.2 immediately to ensure site security.


According to the official announcement, the default theme includes a functionality to generate an icon file (genericons), which has been found to be vulnerable. The official fix for this vulnerability appears to have involved deleting the genericons/example.html file from the theme. Additionally, another cross-site security vulnerability that was discovered previously has also been fixed in this version. Furthermore, this version also addresses a cross-site scripting vulnerability in the visual editor and other compatibility issues.

Before upgrading, please make sure to backup your website.
