Configuring WP Super Cache with Qiniu Cloud for CDN Acceleration

Publish: 2014-12-10 | Modify: 2017-06-21

WP Super Cache is an excellent WordPress caching plugin. I have previously provided a brief introduction and configuration in the article "优秀的WordPress缓存插件:WP Super Cache" here. If you are interested, you can refer to that article first. Now, let's talk about how to use it for CDN acceleration.

For a long time, I used both WP Super Cache and the WPJAM Qiniu Mirror Storage plugin. The effect was quite noticeable, especially for friends with servers located outside of China. However, I later discovered that it is actually possible to use Qiniu's CDN acceleration service with just WP Super Cache, without the need to install any other plugins.

### 1. Install the Plugin

You can directly search for WP Super Cache in the WordPress admin panel to complete the installation. If you are unable to install it online through the admin panel, I also provide a download link for the plugin package.

### 2. Set Up the Mirror Source

I won't go into detail about registering with Qiniu and creating a bucket (space). You can directly accelerate your website in the Qiniu space settings. If you are not familiar with registering with Qiniu and creating a bucket, you can refer to the article WordPress免费图床七牛云存储.

### 3. Enable CDN Acceleration

Go to "Settings" -> "WP Super Cache" -> "CDN" in the WordPress admin panel to configure CDN settings. Check the option to enable CDN, and enter the domain name of your Qiniu bound space. Make sure the domain name does not end with "/". See the image below for reference:


Finally, if everything is set up correctly, you will see that the static resources (images, CSS, JS, etc.) of your website have been replaced with Qiniu's addresses, indicating that the CDN acceleration is successful. In addition, to avoid your website being penalized, there are some other tasks that need to be done. Please refer to the article 正确处理七牛云镜像加速,避免网站降权.
