Simple Method for Setting Up V-*-* Server on DigitalOcean

Publish: 2014-11-04 | Modify: 2017-02-23

Believe that many friends have participated in the Github Student Developer Pack activity and received $100 from DigitalOcean. With this free $100, we should not waste it. It's also a good idea to use it to set up a VPN. Xiao Z will share a relatively simple method.

  1. Using DigitalOcean to quickly create a cloud host

  2. DigitalOcean installation of AMH4.2 virtual host panel

After completing the above two steps, the key step is here. AMH4.2 provides rich module functions. We can download the modules we need through the background. One of the modules is called LanYing-VPN-1.0, which was briefly introduced in the AMH4.2 common module recommendation. This module realizes the function of one-click VPN, which is very convenient.

  1. In the module extension >> Download module >> then search for the keyword VPN to find it. LanYing-VPN-1.0

  2. After downloading and installing, we can add VPN accounts in this module. Add VPN account

  3. Finally, you can use the Windows 7 VPN connection method to browse the Internet using a virtual private network.

Many users have reported that using this method can easily lead to error 619. Xiao Z recommends installing a shadowsocks script, which does not affect each other. Please refer to the CentOS one-click installation of shadowsocks script. If you have any questions or problems, you can add my QQ! My QQ is: 337003006.


  • I can install VPN services on your behalf for a fee of 30 yuan. If you need it, please add QQ: 337003006.
