Replacing CNZZ Statistics with Baidu Statistics with Tears

Publish: 2014-10-18 | Modify: 2014-10-18

Since the time when I built the blog, I have been using CNZZ webmaster statistics. I am grateful for its companionship over the past 10 months. However, I recently switched to Baidu statistics with tears in my eyes. The reasons are as follows:

一、Slow loading

There is no denying that any webmaster statistics tool will have a certain impact on website speed. However, in several website detection processes, CNZZ performed poorly and its code needs improvement.

二、Baidu asynchronous statistics

Baidu asynchronous statistics is quite good. It doesn't have a significant impact on website loading and it makes it convenient to collect data. baiduyibu

Figure 2-1 Baidu asynchronous statistics

三、Personal reasons

Recently, not only did I change the domain name of my blog, but also because Azure exceeded its quota, I had to move to DigitalOcean. Although the DigitalOcean San Francisco node is not bad for mainland China, there is still a gap compared to domestic hosting. Therefore, I took a step closer to pursuing speed and had to give up CNZZ.

In summary, CNZZ statistics have rich and diverse styles, and it also has a mobile app, making it very convenient to view data. The downside is that it loads a bit slowly. Baidu statistics, in terms of code, feels more advanced and supports asynchronous statistics. The downside is that viewing the data is a problem. Although you can set a link and directly view the data, it seems that I haven't succeeded and I don't know why. In fact, both of them have powerful statistical functions, and choosing either of them would not be wrong.
