小Z Blog Launches New Domain xiaoz.me

Publish: 2014-10-10 | Modify: 2014-10-31

小z博客 is about to turn one year old, and its growth cannot be separated from everyone's support. However, in order for users to remember the blog better, I have considered changing to a new domain name, xiaoz.me. Why did I do this?


  • The original domain name was my name spelled in Pinyin (zouxiuping.com), which was long and had a complex spelling.
  • "xiaoz" is my nickname, and the .me domain is suitable for personal blogs, so I chose xiaoz.me.
  • The new domain name is more relevant to the theme and is shorter and easier to remember.


  • The website has been redirected with a 301, but there are still some irreversible losses. However, all of this is for going further, and sacrifices are inevitable.
  • The .me domain has a low cost-effectiveness (for someone with minimal income like me).

During the domain name change process, there may be some details that have been overlooked. If there are any problems with the blog, I hope friends can provide feedback. Additionally, if you have any good suggestions, please feel free to let me know. I sincerely thank everyone for their support in the development of the blog. If you find the content of the blog helpful, you can bookmark it by pressing Ctrl+D.

Contact Information:

  • QQ: 337003006
  • Email: xiaozblog#163.com (please replace # with @)
  • Sina Weibo: weibo.com/337003006
  • Webmaster Exchange Group: 147687134 (looking forward to your join)
