Recommended Common Modules for AMH4.2 Host Panel

Publish: 2014-10-06 | Modify: 2014-11-04

AMH is the first open-source hosting panel in China, using the GNU/GPL open-source license. It supports the LNMP environment, and the latest version, AMH 5.0, also supports LNAMP. However, the free version, AMH 4.2, is sufficient for our needs. Here are a few commonly used modules in AMH 4.2.


1. phpMyAdmin-4.0.0

phpMyAdmin is a very convenient tool for managing MySQL databases online. Although Amysql has developed its own AMS MySQL management system, there is still a big gap compared to phpMyAdmin. Therefore, phpMyAdmin is indispensable.

2. AMRewrite-1.0

This module is actually the rewrite rules for the Nginx server. Many friends used Apache servers before, and if they switch to Nginx servers, the rewrite rules cannot be used. Therefore, this module is very helpful. If you are familiar with Nginx, you can also add your own rules.

3. AMPathinfo-1.0

AMPathinfo - By default, Nginx in the AMH panel does not enable PATHINFO support. This module can enable or disable PATHINFO support for virtual hosts. Previously, some file paths had problems because Pathinfo was not enabled. If you need it, you can choose to enable it.

4. AMFTP-2.0

AMFTP is a web-based FTP file management client that supports multiple file and large file uploads, as well as online decompression and compression of zip, tar, and gzip (tar.gz) files. It supports functions such as creating files, editing files, moving files, renaming files, and setting permissions. After installation, you can manage corresponding accounts in the FTP section. It can save you the trouble of using a local FTP client. If your files are large, it is recommended to use an FTP tool for stability.


5. LanYing-VPN-1.0

LanYing-VPN can quickly set up a VPN proxy server and supports PPTP and L2TP VPN proxy user management (add, delete, modify, query). It is very convenient to use. If you are using a foreign VPS, it is recommended to use this module. The significance of using it on domestic VPS is not significant. The screenshot below shows the VPN I set up using DigitalOcean.


AMH has many more modules, and it is constantly being developed and improved. You can choose the appropriate modules according to your needs.
