September, Chengdu to Hong Kong Trip: My Personal Experience Sharing

Publish: 2023-09-21 | Modify: 2023-09-21

At the beginning of the year, I planned to go to Hong Kong. Finally, in September, I had the opportunity to witness the bustling scenery of Hong Kong. September, with its gentle and tranquil atmosphere, can avoid the peak of summer vacation and have relatively fewer crowds. This trip to Hong Kong was mainly for business purposes, and it was also my first time going to Hong Kong. In this article, I will share my personal experience (if you feel that the main text is too long, you can scroll to the bottom to see the summary).


To avoid delays in the itinerary, it is recommended to start preparing at least one month in advance. I only started preparing half a month in advance, so time was relatively tight.

Hong Kong and Macau Travel Permit and Endorsement

The processing time for the Hong Kong and Macau Travel Permit is generally 1-2 weeks, so it is recommended to apply in advance. You can see my application process in the article: "My Real Experience of Applying for a Hong Kong and Macau Travel Permit in Chengdu."

Hong Kong Dollars in Cash

Although most shops in Hong Kong accept Alipay, there are still some that do not. It is recommended to prepare some Hong Kong dollars in cash in advance for safety. You can make an appointment to withdraw Hong Kong dollars in cash from major banks one week in advance. The general steps are as follows:

  • Use the app of major banks to purchase Hong Kong dollars in cash.
  • Then choose the "Foreign Currency Withdrawal" service and make an appointment at the branch.
  • After the appointment is approved, go to the branch on the specified date to withdraw the cash.

Due to my lack of preparation, I only started considering exchanging Hong Kong dollars in cash four days before arrival. I made appointments at two branches of China Construction Bank and Industrial and Commercial Bank, but they informed me that I would need to wait for about a week, which was already too late for me.

So I checked the app of China Merchants Bank and found a relatively large branch, and called them to inquire if they had "Hong Kong dollars in cash." After confirming that they had enough cash, the branch registered for me and asked me to purchase Hong Kong dollars in advance through the app. I successfully obtained Hong Kong dollars in cash on the same day I arrived at the China Merchants Bank branch, which was a close call.

Note: When passing through customs, the cash cannot exceed 20,000 Hong Kong dollars.

Communication Service

To ensure that your mobile phone can access the internet, send and receive text messages, and make calls normally after arriving in Hong Kong, you need to contact your mobile service provider in advance (contact customer service) and inform them that you will be going to Hong Kong soon and need to use services such as international roaming, international long-distance calls, etc.

Next, you need to solve the problem of internet access in Hong Kong and continue to choose a data package.

China Telecom

If you are a China Telecom user, after activating roaming, you can directly access the internet when you arrive in Hong Kong. The cost is 25 yuan/day. After exceeding 2GB, the speed will be limited to 384kbps. The price may change over time. Please refer to the China Telecom official website for specific details:


Note: Tested personally, China Telecom roaming cannot access Google and other services that are blocked in Hong Kong.

China Mobile

China Mobile users can install the "Wuxingxing" app in advance, where you can purchase international data packages. However, please note that China Mobile's international data packages include "roaming data packages" and "local data packages":

  • Roaming data packages: Roaming internet access uses Guangdong Mobile's IP address, which is relatively cheaper, but you still cannot access Google and other services that are blocked in Hong Kong.
  • Local data packages: More expensive and with less data, it uses the local network in Hong Kong, so you can access Google and other services that are blocked in Hong Kong.

I personally recommend choosing the "local data package" because it is more convenient and has faster internet speed. However, due to the higher price of local data packages, if you can connect to WiFi in Hong Kong, it is better to use free WiFi first (many places in Hong Kong provide free WiFi) and then use the "local data package."

The following image shows the price of China Mobile's 4G local data packages in Hong Kong, for reference only.


Registration for Wuxingxing:

China Unicom

I don't have a China Unicom SIM card, so I haven't done further research.


You can also purchase Hong Kong SIM cards in advance on platforms like Taobao and Fliggy. This way, you can make phone calls and access the internet. However, this solution requires changing SIM cards, which is relatively more troublesome.

Other Notes: Once the data package is purchased, it will be automatically activated when you arrive in Hong Kong. Remember to enable the "roaming" function in your phone settings (both Android and iOS require enabling in the settings), otherwise, you may find that your phone has a signal but cannot access the internet.


First, I flew from Chengdu to Shenzhen, and then took a high-speed train from Shenzhen to Hong Kong. I only stayed in Hong Kong for one day for business purposes, and my accommodation was in Shenzhen, which is relatively cost-effective.

  • Chengdu - Shenzhen: Take a flight from Tianfu International Airport to Shenzhen Bao'an Airport.
  • Shenzhen North - Hong Kong West Kowloon: Take a high-speed train, second-class seat for 75 yuan/person.
  • Hong Kong West Kowloon - Shenzhen North: Take a high-speed train, second-class seat for 75 yuan/person.
  • Shenzhen - Chengdu: Take a flight from Shenzhen Bao'an Airport back to Chengdu Shuangliu Airport.

Other Notes: Taking the high-speed train from Shenzhen North to Hong Kong West Kowloon only takes about 20 minutes. You can also take the high-speed train from Futian to Hong Kong West Kowloon, or take the subway to Hong Kong, but the subway takes longer.


Taking the Subway/Bus

When taking the subway/bus in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, you can use the QR code in Alipay. Just switch to the corresponding city and type of QR code, no need to download additional apps. Simply use Alipay to scan the code for convenient access. It is recommended to open the QR codes for Shenzhen and Hong Kong in advance.

Taking a Taxi

Taking a taxi in Hong Kong is very expensive. It is recommended to download the Uber app in advance. Uber uses metered fares, which are more affordable than regular taxis.


Google Maps is widely used for navigation in Hong Kong. I downloaded Google Maps in advance and also had Amap and Baidu Maps on my phone. However, compared to mainland China, the accuracy of location positioning in Hong Kong is not as precise. In mainland China, it can be accurate to a few meters, but in Hong Kong, no matter which map app you use, the positioning can only be accurate to within tens of meters, which caused me to take some detours.

Customs Clearance

Health Declaration Form

A few hours before going to Hong Kong, search for the "Customs Traveler Services" mini-program on Alipay or WeChat, and fill in the "Health Declaration Form for Entry/Exit" and save a screenshot. You will be required to scan the declaration code when entering and exiting. When you return, you can directly use the "One-Click Declaration" function without filling in the form again.

Self-Service Customs Clearance

When taking the high-speed train from Shenzhen North to Hong Kong West Kowloon, you can complete the entire customs clearance process through self-service, which takes about 10-20 minutes (depending on the number of people). You will go through several gates where facial recognition and fingerprint verification will be conducted.

After customs clearance, you will be given a small ticket, which must be kept safe. This is your legal proof of entry into Hong Kong. Banks and other places will check this ticket when you handle transactions.

My Experience in Hong Kong

The "eat, stay, and transportation" in Hong Kong is more expensive than mainland China. A simple fast food meal (rice bowl, noodles, etc.) usually costs around 50-100 Hong Kong dollars, but the portions are generous. For example, if you order beef noodles, there will be several chunks of beef in it.

Since the itinerary in Hong Kong was only one day and time was tight, I didn't visit many areas. I passed by Central Pier and Tsim Sha Tsui, which are more bustling areas. They are full of tall buildings, and the city is very clean and tidy, with much better air quality than Chengdu.


I also passed by weathered residential buildings, which may not be as prosperous as Central, but they are more simple.



Night view taken at Tsim Sha Tsui Pier.


Taken while enjoying the breeze at Central Pier.



Taken when exiting the West Kowloon High-Speed Rail Station.




  • Apply for the Hong Kong and Macau Travel Permit and endorsement one month in advance.
  • Make an appointment with major banks one week in advance to withdraw Hong Kong dollars in cash.
  • Book flights, high-speed train tickets, and accommodation in advance.
  • Activate "international long-distance/roaming services" in advance.
  • Activate the "Shenzhen, Hong Kong" QR codes in advance.
  • Taxis in Hong Kong are expensive, so it is recommended to use Uber or public transportation.
  • Keep your "Hong Kong and Macau Travel Permit, ID card, and customs clearance ticket" safe.

The above is my trip to Hong Kong in September 2023. Policies may change over time, so please refer to the actual situation.

As autumn approaches, golden sunlight bathes the earth. In September, may every day be as fresh as the morning dew. Let the busy days come to a halt, and let the soul embrace nature. Wishing you a fruitful season and a happy and lasting life. May your goals be like autumn fruits, abundant and sweet. May your mood be like golden leaves, freely falling and light. May everything be as bright and warm as the September sky. Blessings to September, blessings to you, may happiness be with you forever.
