IPRSS launches a mini-program version of the IP lookup tool

Publish: 2022-11-23 | Modify: 2022-12-05

Recently, I rewrote the IP query tool IPRSS using the webman framework

A few months ago, I completed the reconstruction of IPRSS, and recently we have launched a WeChat mini program version. Feel free to try it out.

Mini Program Features

  • Get your own IP and location
  • Single IP, multiple query results (support for CZ88, IP2Location, GeoIP query results)
  • IP batch query (limited to 10 at a time for mini program, 100 for web version)
  • IPV6 detection
  • IP blocking detection
  • Port blocking detection

Partial Screenshots

Technology Stack

Using Vant WeAPP + native WeChat development, backend using PHP framework WEBMAN

Other Notes

If you want to try it out on the web, please visit: https://ip.rss.ink/
