Using BestTrace for Route Tracing in Linux with IP Geolocation Display

Publish: 2018-11-27 | Modify: 2018-11-27

The usual practice for performing route tracing on a Linux server is to use the traceroute command. However, this command does not display the IP location, which can be inconvenient. You can consider using the route tracing tool "BestTrace" provided by as a replacement for traceroute. BestTrace supports displaying IP locations, which makes it very intuitive.


Download BestTrace provides the BestTrace binary package, which can be downloaded and extracted for immediate use.

Using BestTrace

# Download BestTrace
# Install unzip
yum -y install unzip
# Unzip

After extracting, you will see several binary files. Please choose the appropriate one for your system. In this case, xiaoz is using a Linux X64 system, so you can directly use the besttrace file.

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 8905913 Aug 20 14:48 besttrace
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 7694251 Aug 20 14:48 besttrace32
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root     736 Jul 25 16:04 besttrace4linux.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 7764434 Aug 20 14:48 besttracearm
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 8866532 Aug 20 14:48 besttracebsd
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 7686164 Aug 20 14:48 besttracebsd32
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 8950288 Aug 20 14:48 besttracemac

First, give BestTrace execute permission with chmod +x besttrace. Then, execute the command to perform route tracing: ./besttrace -q1 -g cn IP. The screenshot below shows an example.

BestTrace Example

Parameter Explanation

For more usage instructions, you can enter ./besttrace --help to view them. The complete parameters are as follows:

-6, - ipv6
    Use IPv6.
-J, - json
    Print traceroute results in JSON format.
-g, - lang string
    The language currently only supports cn and en.
-m, - maxhop int
    Specify the maximum number of hops (maximum time-to-live value) that traceroute will probe. The default value is 30. (default 30)
-a, - noas
    Do not attempt to map IP addresses to AS when displaying.
-n, - nodomain
    Do not attempt to map IP addresses to hostnames when displaying.
-l, - location
    Do not attempt to map IP addresses to locations when displaying.
-q, - query int
    Set the number of probe packets per hop. The default value is 3. (default 3)
-z, - sendtime int
    The minimum time interval between probes (default 0).
    If this value is greater than 10, it specifies a number in milliseconds; otherwise, it is a number of seconds (floating-point values are also allowed).
    Useful when some routers use rate limiting on ICMP messages.
-f, - stopop int
    Specify the TTL to start with. The default is 1. (default 1)
-s, - sync
    Send icmp packets synchronously.
-T, - tcp
    Use TCP SYN for probes.
-V, - version
    Print version and exit.
-w, - waittime int
    Set the time (in seconds) to wait for a response to a probe. (default 3)

Other Information

The BestTrace client supports all platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Android. You can download more clients from the official website:
