Duojiyun Double 11 Event: CDN as low as 3.8 yuan/100GB

Publish: 2022-11-04 | Modify: 2022-11-04

Changsha Yihuan Network Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2018. Its subsidiary, DogeCloud, is an innovative technology company dedicated to providing users with low-cost and high-quality Internet cloud services. The main products focus on CDN integration, object storage, and video acceleration. The CDN integration is speculated to be using resources from Alibaba and Tencent. If you need CDN and storage, you can take a look. It is cheaper compared to major companies.


DogeCloud official website: https://www.dogecloud.com/

Notes (written in advance)

  • DogeCloud is a domestic service provider, and according to regulatory requirements, using the service requires real-name registration. If you are concerned about real-name registration, it may not be suitable for you.
  • Because it is a domestic CDN, the domain name needs to be filed before it can be used normally.
  • Note: If it is not video acceleration, you should purchase domestic traffic packages instead of video traffic packages.

Double 11 Special Offer

CDN domestic traffic package: 100GB for only 3.8 yuan. Please note that you should not buy the video cloud traffic package. This promotion is only for new users.


For existing users, the CDN domestic traffic package: 1TB for only 73.8 yuan/year.


Purchase link: https://www.dogecloud.com/

CDN Node Testing

There is not much to test for domestic CDN. As long as the cache rules are set correctly, the speed is generally not too bad. I used SuperPing to test the number of nodes and latency. The returned node IP is 33, and the average latency is 28.4ms.


DogeCloud official website: https://www.dogecloud.com/
