phpEnv: Professional and Powerful PHP Integrated Environment

Publish: 2019-11-05 | Modify: 2019-11-05

Last time, I introduced Powerful and Easy-to-use PHP Integrated Development Environment Laragon. After seeing a recommendation from a netizen, xiaoz decided to download and experience phpEnv to see what this thing is all about.


About phpEnv

The first version of phpEnv was born in 2018. At that time, it was probably called phpServers. The author abandoned phpStudy after it became commercialized and started developing phpEnv using C# WPF. It can be considered as a relatively new PHP integrated environment, and the author is still continuously updating it.

Features Overview

  • Elegant and concise interface
  • Multiple web servers: Supports Apache, Nginx, powerful site management, visual configuration of HTTPS, etc.
  • Multiple versions of PHP and MySQL: Whatever version you want, you can find it in the software store. Supports coexistence of different PHP versions.
  • Built-in powerful command line, TCP process list, MySQL password change tools, etc.
  • Supports Memcache, Redis
  • Supports Composer

User Experience

phpEnv is a portable and installation-free software. Just download and unzip it from the official website to use it. The interface is clean and ad-free. It also comes with a software store, which makes it convenient to install PHP, MySQL, and other environments (the download speed of the software store is relatively slow in practice). It supports switching between different PHP and MySQL versions. It is convenient for both beginners and professional developers to use.

phpEnv Official Website:
