Another Open Source Tool for Baidu Netdisk Download: BND

Publish: 2019-08-19 | Modify: 2019-08-19

Small Z's blog has previously introduced two Baidu Netdisk download tools, Speed Pan and Pan Download. Here, we will add another one called BND. The full name of BND is Baidu Netdisk Downloader. It has two versions: BND1 and BND2. BND1 supports Windows, Linux, and Mac, while BND2 only supports Windows and Mac. This article mainly introduces BND2, as it looks better.

BND2 Download Principle

  • Obtain file and download links through PCS API
  • Implement multi-threaded high-speed download through Aria2

BND2 Download and Installation

BND2 is an open-source project. You can go to Github to get the source code: or download the pre-compiled binary file provided by the author. You can also directly download and install it from the following links.

Simple Usage of BND2

The first time you use BND2, you need to log in to your Baidu Netdisk account. After logging in, you can see all the files in Baidu Netdisk. The interface is very clean and refreshing.

Xiaoz tried to download a 1.7GB file from Baidu Netdisk. The speed remained stable at 1.3M/s, not fully utilizing the local bandwidth, but much faster than downloading directly from Baidu Netdisk.

About Download Speed

Regarding the issue of unstable download speed, let's explain it here. The download speed is mainly affected by the following three reasons:

  1. Whether the local network bandwidth is sufficient
  2. Whether the resource itself is a hot resource
  3. Whether the account is limited in speed (if limited, the download speed will be around 100K, and extreme speed limit is around 10K)
  4. If you need to use it frequently, it is recommended to open Baidu Netdisk SVIP for better performance.


BND, Speed Pan, and Pan Download are all third-party Baidu Netdisk download tools, suitable for users who do not have Baidu Netdisk VIP to use temporarily. Long-term use of such tools may be restricted by Baidu (no speed at all), so please use them with discretion.

BND project address:
