#Black Friday# HostDare VPS, 30% off, GIA CN2 Network

Publish: 2018-11-23 | Modify: 2018-11-23

Registered a HostDare account and took advantage of #BlackFriday# to purchase a yearly plan for a small server. Here is a simple review for everyone to refer to.

HostDare Logo

Review Configuration

  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 756M
  • Disk: 35G
  • Bandwidth: 1T
  • Price: $32/year (used discount code BLACKFRIDAY)
  • Payment method: WeChat/Alipay

Ping Test

The average latency for China Telecom's Ping test is around 180ms, and for Superspeed Ping test it is within 150ms. Compared to other locations on the US West Coast, this latency is quite good. It connects to China Telecom through GIA CN2 and directly to China Mobile and China Unicom.

Ping Test 1

Ping Test 2

I/O Test

The average I/O is only 35.9 MB/s, which is really slow. It is probably slower than a regular home mechanical hard drive.

I/O Test

Purchase Links

  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 756M
  • Disk: 35G
  • Bandwidth: 1T
  • Price: $32/year (used discount code BLACKFRIDAY)
  • Purchase link: hostdare.com
  • CPU: 2 cores
  • Memory: 1.5G
  • Disk: 75G
  • Bandwidth: 1.5T
  • Price: $49/year (used discount code BLACKFRIDAY)
  • Purchase link: hostdare.com
  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 756M
  • Disk: 150G
  • Bandwidth: 1T
  • Price: $42/year (used discount code BLACKFRIDAY)
  • Purchase link: hostdare.com
  • CPU: 2 cores
  • Memory: 1.5G
  • Disk: 300G
  • Bandwidth: 1.5T
  • Price: $70/year (used discount code BLACKFRIDAY)
  • Purchase link: hostdare.com

Other Notes

The official website provides a test address: You can test the speed yourself.


Currently, HostDare's network is good, but the disk read/write speed is not satisfactory and is not suitable for applications with high I/O requirements. It is fine for setting up a CDN or running an SS. Those who need it can consider it.
