Get a free 50 yuan CDN traffic package voucher from Tencent Cloud

Publish: 2016-04-27 | Modify: 2017-08-07

Common CDN providers in China include Baidu Cloud Acceleration, 360 Website Guard, Tencent Cloud CDN, Alibaba Cloud CDN, etc. The first two offer free versions, while the latter two are paid services. Based on user experience, the performance of Baidu Cloud Acceleration and 360 Website Guard is not satisfactory, as their CDN nodes often go offline. However, Tencent Cloud currently offers a promotion where you can get a 50 yuan CDN traffic package voucher for free.


Activity Rules

  • The activity is valid from April 25, 2016 to April 29, 2016.
  • 500 vouchers will be issued daily, limited to use when purchasing CDN traffic packages.
  • Each account is limited to one voucher, and each voucher can only be used once.
  • After receiving the voucher, users can view it in the "User Center" -> "Cost Center" -> "Voucher" section.

Please note that domain registration is required before using the service, and there is a daily limit of 500 vouchers, so act quickly. The free 50 yuan voucher can be used to offset 100G of CDN traffic (to be used within 6 months), or you can pay an additional 14 yuan to purchase 200G of CDN traffic. If you are interested, you can give it a try. Currently, XiaoZ Blog - FAQ is using Tencent Cloud CDN, you can experience the speed at


Activity link: Tencent Cloud CDN 50 yuan voucher (Limited to 500 vouchers per day, act quickly)
