Disable PayPal Pre-authorized Payments to Avoid Automatic Deductions

Publish: 2015-12-02 | Modify: 2015-12-02

Black Friday has just passed, and many friends may have used PayPal to buy products such as hosting and domain names. However, many foreign merchants mostly use PayPal for payment and obtain automatic payment authorization. When your products are about to expire, they will automatically deduct from your PayPal account. Sometimes, we don't want the deduction to be made automatically from our account balance, so we need to make some additional settings.

First, log in to PayPal -> User Information -> Financial Information -> My Preapproved Payments on the right side -> Click the Update button -> This way, you can see the authorized merchants -> If the status is "Not Active," it means that the authorization has not been obtained. If it is "Active," it means that the merchant has obtained automatic payment permission. We need to disable it -> Click on the merchant's name -> Finally, click the Cancel button. The detailed settings screenshots are as follows.

paypal_setting paypal_setting2 paypal_setting3 paypal_setting4
