Tencent Cloud 618 Procurement Season is Here, Take a Look if Interested

Publish: 2022-06-01 | Modify: 2022-06-01

The event will last until 06.31, and the products for each stage of the event will be different. There will be daily limited-time offers, so if you are interested, please pay attention.

Event link: https://curl.qcloud.com/PQumgMeL


Some event products are only available to new users. You can use your family members' accounts or register a new one.

6.1-6.14 Explosive product flash sale, popular cloud servers as low as 18 yuan

Flash sale rules

Event time:

From 2022-06-01 to 2022-06-14 23:59:59;

Event participants:

All domestic Tencent Cloud website users who have registered and completed real-name authentication can participate (excluding collaborators and sub-user accounts);

Flash sale instructions:

  1. The discounts displayed on the event page are for reference only. The actual transaction price shall prevail;

  2. Flash sale discounts cannot be combined with other promotions and cannot be used with vouchers;

  3. If payment is not completed within 60 minutes, the order will expire automatically. Please make payment as soon as possible after placing the order. If the order is cancelled after reaching the purchase quantity and limit, the corresponding eligibility for purchase will be restored within 5 minutes;

  4. For flash sale products, the "New User Exclusive" products are only available for new Tencent Cloud users (those with no order records or a cumulative order amount of 0 on Tencent Cloud), and the "Product First Order" products are only available for new users of Tencent Cloud products (those with no order records or a cumulative order amount of 0 for the product). Domain names, lightweight application servers, and cloud servers (CVM) under the same real-name authentication subject can be purchased once. If the same real-name authentication subject's other accounts have purchased similar products, they cannot be purchased again. All other products can be purchased once per account. The quantity limit for each product is subject to the actual supported order quantity;

  5. Cloud servers and lightweight application servers are considered the same type of product. If you have purchased cloud servers before, you cannot enjoy the first order price for lightweight application servers. If you have purchased lightweight application servers before, you cannot enjoy the first order price for cloud servers;

  6. Cloud products in different regions are not interconnected in the intranet. After purchase, region change is not supported. Please choose carefully. If you need to communicate across regions in the intranet;

  7. After the purchase of flash sale products is completed, downgrading is not allowed, and upgrading and downgrading are not supported. Configuration upgrades and renewals should be done through the official website's normal purchase process. After the product expires, please refer to the official website's published price for renewal;

  8. In the event of a refund, the remaining amount will be refunded based on the actual usage of resources, calculated at the original price of the product. For details, please refer to the Cloud Service Return Policy. If the product does not support self-service refunds, you can submit a ticket in the corresponding product category to apply for a return and refund. Before returning and refunding, please make sure that you meet the conditions of the return policy and ensure that the data has been migrated. After a refund is made, the corresponding purchase eligibility will not be restored;

  9. Participating in any activity on the page requires registration and real-name authentication of real information, including email, mobile phone number, ID card, and other personal information. Users who do not meet the authentication standards will be shown as having a risk account;

  10. To ensure the fairness and impartiality of the event, Tencent Cloud has the right to reclaim cloud resources from users who maliciously grab event resources, keep resources idle for a long time, or engage in illegal activities using resources;

  11. Tencent Cloud may change or adjust the event based on operational conditions, including but not limited to event rules, product prices, and product quantities. Please refer to the latest content on the page. The rights obtained by users before the change or adjustment of the event rules are not affected.
