Basic Review of JUSTHOST Russian VPS

Publish: 2018-10-24 | Modify: 2020-04-06

I accidentally found this hosting provider on the "Host Review Blog". It is a local Russian company that mainly offers Russian VPS and server hosting services at relatively cheap prices. They accept payment methods such as PayPal, UnionPay, and credit cards.

Review Configuration

The machine configuration chosen by Xiaoz is as follows:

  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard Disk: 5GB SSD
  • Bandwidth: 200Mbps unlimited
  • Data Center: DataLine
  • Price: $2/month

Ping Test

The average latency of the local Ping test in Sichuan Telecom is 154ms, which is lower than the machines on the US West Coast by several tens of milliseconds. However, this is not absolute and may vary depending on the network conditions in different regions.

The following is the Super Ping test, which shows significant differences between different regions.

I/O and Download

With the SSD hard disk chosen by Xiaoz, the average I/O is only 104.7 MB/s, which is quite low and comparable to OVH VPS.

The download speed is as follows, with a maximum speed close to 200Mbps.

Route Tracing

The screenshot below shows the route tracing of Sichuan Telecom, which exits from Beijing Telecom ( and goes through the CN2 network. For route tracing in other regions, you can test it yourself.

Test Addresses

Since the network conditions vary in each region, you can test the effect yourself.


Based on the tests, some regions go through the CN2 network, and the machine performance is not very good. However, the price is relatively cheap. If your local network test results are good, it is suitable for use as a proxy. It remains to be seen whether there will be any routing adjustments in the future, so it is recommended to choose monthly payment for those who plan to purchase.

Official website:
