小Z Blog Enables HTTPS Support, Welcome to Test

Publish: 2015-09-28 | Modify: 2017-06-21

HTTPS, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, is a secure version of HTTP that aims to provide security. In simple terms, it is the secure version of HTTP. With the development of the Internet, enabling HTTPS has become increasingly important. Many popular websites in China, such as Baidu and Taobao, have already adopted HTTPS, and it is expected to become even more popular in the future.

Using HTTPS requires the support of SSL certificates. In the early days, GitHub's student package promotion included a free one-year SSL service. However, due to a lack of understanding at that time, errors occurred during the certificate generation process. Fortunately, there are many organizations that offer free SSL certificates, such as StartSSL and WoSign. Currently, my blog is using the free WoSign certificate.

Google has already fully embraced HTTPS and gives priority to HTTPS websites in its search results. As for domestic search engines, there is still room for improvement. Although Baidu claims to support HTTPS and gives it priority, it still needs to be observed. On the other hand, search engines like 360 and Sogou do not seem to support HTTPS yet. If measures are not taken through technical means, using HTTPS for the entire website may have an impact on SEO. Therefore, my blog does not fully support HTTPS at the moment.

Compared to the traditional HTTP protocol, HTTPS has many advantages and is more secure. Therefore, I recommend visitors to use HTTPS when accessing websites. As the Internet continues to develop, I may gradually consider using HTTPS for the entire website. If you encounter any problems during your visit, please feel free to provide feedback. Thank you.

Website: https://blog.xiaoz.org
