SpeedDisk - Free from the Troubles of Baidu Cloud Disk Speed Limit

Publish: 2018-08-06 | Modify: 2018-08-06

In the previous article "Pan Download: A High-Speed Download Tool for Baidu Netdisk", I shared the Baidu Netdisk download tool Pan Download. I received a comment from a netizen @Lisa.Su, mentioning another Baidu Netdisk download tool called "SpeedPan". I tried it and the results were good, so I wanted to share it.


Main Features

  • Login-free high-speed downloading of Baidu Netdisk resources
  • Search for shared resources on Baidu Netdisk
  • Personal Netdisk management, such as offline downloading, file moving, deletion, etc.
  • Built-in Aria2 multi-threaded download tool

Download and Installation

Similar to Pan Download, SpeedPan is also a portable tool that can be used directly after downloading.

User Experience

Unlike Pan Download, SpeedPan does not require login to perform downloads. You can directly input the shared link of Baidu Netdisk, including links with passwords, as shown in the screenshot below.


SpeedPan also allows you to log in to your own Baidu Netdisk account and download your own files. Comparing the experience of downloading with or without login, I personally feel that downloading files from my own Netdisk after logging in is significantly faster. The following screenshot shows the comparison.


After logging in to the Baidu Netdisk account, you can perform basic operations such as offline downloading, file moving, sharing, and deletion. It also provides three special functions: scanning for duplicate files, scanning for illegal videos, and scanning for empty folders.



As this is a third-party tool, its security is not yet known. Please use it at your own discretion. To avoid your account being blocked by Baidu, it is recommended to use a secondary account to transfer files before downloading.


Compared to Pan Download, SpeedPan allows login-free downloading and has a more stylish interface, while Pan Download is more concise. After logging in, I feel that the download speeds are similar and can basically utilize the full bandwidth. The choice between the two depends on personal preferences.
